May 5, 2023
Social Media Management

Tips to Improve Bar Promotions with Social Media Marketing

Here are 6 amazing tips to help improve your bar promotions with social media.

Farah Dietrich
Marketing Manger
Worked across agencies, specialising in social media management, community building and design.
Table of contents

Bars and pubs are among the most popular joints where people prefer to hang out and enjoy drinks while having a good time. Typically, these social hubs offer a perfect space for people to unwind after a tough week of work. The number of bars and pubs today is high as more people find these spaces fun and exciting to spend time in before heading home. Therefore, as a bar owner, you always aim to attract the most potential clients to your business to guarantee increased profits. One of the most effective ways of gaining more customers is using social media marketing and this article, will guide you on how to leverage social media for your bar promotions.

Social media is one of the most powerful tools for business owners and marketers. Across the world, billions of people have access to the internet and enjoy at least one form of social media app. Undoubtedly, your pub marketing strategy should integrate social media and digital marketing techniques to increase its popularity and attract more customers. One of the biggest advantages of implementing social media marketing for pubs is that you will reinforce the loyalty of existing customers and attract new patrons. So let's dive into a few highly provable bar marketing ideas to increase revenue and stay atop your competitors at all times.

1.  Identify your Ideal Target Audience

Of course, not everyone on social media is into bars, and as such, you will need to narrow down to a specific demographic to target with your pub marketing strategy. According to recent statistics, over half of English residents aged between 16 and 64 visited bars and pubs as a free time activity. Those aged between 25 and 44 were the most likely to attend a bar or pub. Therefore, your bar marketing ideas should be tailored to this demographic. Who are they? What are they into? What are their likes, and what can compel them to visit your bar? Understating these concepts can help you curate your bar marketing to grasp their attention effectively.

One of the most valuable aspects of knowing your target audience is that you can personalise your promotions and make them more relatable. Personalisation entails tailoring a marketing pitch to critically address a customer's needs, challenges, and pain points while appreciating them. For example, most people aged between 25 and 44 in the U.K. are ardent sports fans. Therefore, your pub marketing strategy can include a pitch promoting football games, making it more relatable and appealing to customers.

2.  Choose the Correct Platform

You've already determined your potential clientele? Now you need to select the best social media platform to reach your target audience. Most young people are attracted to aesthetic and fun content, and Instagram easily emerges as the best place to post your bar marketing content. Instagram is the most visually appealing social media platform, and its flexibility allows you to post videos of your pub, pictures of your food and drinks, and even let you go live during pub events.

The benefits of Instagram updates are endless, and as a bar owner, you gain massively by monitoring the right metrics to gain knowledge on the best practices. For instance, once you post your video or picture, you can view insights to assess your content's engagement with your target audience. This information will help you to determine the efficacy of your present bar marketing ideas. Accordingly, you can make necessary modifications to increase your engagements in the future. Another benefit is that new people can easily view your posts through the Explore page on Instagram. More than 50%  of Instagram users utilise the Explore page to discover new content; thus, regular Instagram updates of your pub will widen your presence.

3.  Create Engaging Content

Having a social media page alone is not enough. With over 2.35 billion active users on Instagram, you need to stand out with unique and engaging material. First, you should not constantly post only promotional content and spam your followers' feeds with blatant marketing posts.

An undeniably effective social media marketing for pubs idea is to begin your conversation with questions to your audience and incorporate their answers into your content. Make the customers feel they are part of your journey through user-generated content. Once a customer feels heard and valued, they become more attached and loyal to your business. These bar marketing ideas will also increase your engagement through referrals, as many people will repost your content as a form of loyalty and appreciation.

Your Instagram updates should also be visually stunning to your customers. For instance, you can do product placement subtly with high-quality images and videos. These will instantly capture the attention of customers, who will be enticed by the aesthetics and creativity of the content, and inevitably be drawn to the idea of visiting your pub to enjoy the experience.

4.  Collaborate with Social Media Influencers

The use of influencers as a marketing tool has grown significantly in recent years. Social Media Marketing for pubs is more convincing if you develop a relatable persona to retain customers. Local influencers already known by the public can add credibility and personality to your bar and pub because customers are more likely to be swayed if they trust the influencers.

Social media Influencers also give your bar more personality by painting the picture that the pub is a legitimate chilling spot with an exciting crowd. One way of pub marketing with these figures is to offer them free drinks, such as your best cocktail specials, and ask them to post their experience to their followers to promote your bar.

5.  Running Online Contests and Games to Engage Your Audience

Hosting online competitions and campaigns using your social media page is a great bar marketing idea for your establishment. Social media content can be a fun way to connect with your customers and allow them to interact with your page while still enjoying the activities. Making use of a social media content planner will allow you to create and plan social media content in advance.

Using incentives such as free drinks to winners will also draw more people to participate in the competitions. Ultimately, this digital marketing strategy will drive more traffic to your social media platform, encouraging more patrons to visit your bar.

Bonus Tip: Consider Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency for Bars

Are you having slight issues with your current pub marketing strategy and social media presence? Alternatively, you can hire a digital marketing agency that boasts specific nightclub marketing methods tested in the real world. The benefit of utilising these agencies is that they will offer a wide range of services, including running your socials, email marketing, and social media marketing. As a result, you will have more time to focus on running other core sectors of your bar while enjoying a solid social media presence.

A digital marketing agency for your bar can also aid in organising other promotional activities, such as advertising and creating landing pages that redirect from your social media platform. Additionally, agencies offer expertise in areas such as Customer Relations Management (CRM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which can be employed in social media marketing to enhance the growth of your pub's online presence. In this regard, a digital marketing agency specialising in bars can be an exceptional way of leveraging social media marketing for bars.

Wrap-up: What is the best Social Media Marketing Strategy for Your Bar Promotions?

Now that you have read the various tips to improve your Bar promotions using social media marketing, you might ask yourself what the best method is. I believe there is no single strategy better than the other. Instead, you should integrate several techniques and apply them simultaneously to maximise your growth. As proven by many entities over the years, Social media marketing is one of the cheapest and most effective ways for pub marketing. Following these tips carefully will arguably guarantee progressive growth and better bar promotion results.

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