December 2, 2022
Social Media Management

How to promote a cafe on Instagram in the UK 2024

Here are sine ways you can promote your cafe on Instagram.

Neil Patel
Content Writer
Neil Patel is a renowned digital marketing expert and co-founder of successful ventures like Crazy Egg, Hello Bar, and KISSmetrics, dedicated to helping businesses thrive online.
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With 1 over 1 billion users, Instagram can be the ideal platform to showcase your products and services, as well as a direct channel with your customers.

Social networks - Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. - are today among the cheapest and most effective ways to advertise businesses in the most varied segments on the internet, whether online or not. In addition to showing products and services, it is possible to create campaigns and exclusive promotions for your business, attracting and retaining customers.

Among the tools, we will highlight Instagram, which already has 1.440 billion users worldwide and continues to grow. Focused on publishing images and videos, it is the ideal showcase to publicize your cafe or coffee shop!


7 unbeatable tips to boost your cafe's Instagram in UK 2024

We've separated 7 unbeatable tips to boost your cafe's Instagram. Take a look below:


1.Only use quality photos

We can't forget that Instagram is an image network, so the first thing we need to keep in mind is image production. No pictures with low resolution, out of focus or with shadows that interfere with understanding what is being shown. Spend a little time arranging the scene and perfecting the framing. If you have a cell phone with a good camera, you can use it, but if you have a camera or a photographer friend who can help you, great! You can also use Instagram's own filters to improve light, colour and contrast. But do not use several filters at once and, if possible, use only one to create an identity for your brand.


2.Use the feed as a menu

Don't post just for posting. Do a little planning during the week about the news, fresh products or new recipes that you are about to present to the public and organize your posts. Imagine that Instagram is a 'differentiated' menu for your cafe, where you will show your delicacies. You have to make your followers, when they see a new photo, want to go and try that warm espresso or that mocha with hazelnut cream and a slice of cake, for example.


3.Search for the best times

Some times are more conducive to posting, making your images seen by more people. However, this will depend on the profile of your audience. Therefore, initially, you can vary the schedules and be aware of the posts with the greatest public engagement and, based on this analysis, always publish at that time. For example, in the coffee business, some good times are early morning, one after lunch (around 1/2 pm) or close to 4 pm. But keep the feed manageable - one post a day is fine, and even every other day. Sometimes it's better not to publish than to present something poorly done or unimportant to your audience.


4.Use the correct #hashtags

Hashtags are a language that helps bring together subjects on the network. The proper strategy is to choose relevant hashtags for each photo. Choose those that have to do with the post, and the more specific, the more Instagram will give relevance. For cafes, use, of course, those related to coffee, their types, variations and accompaniments. It's also cool to create your own brand hashtag to gather an audience that admires your company. Just be careful not to overdo it with the number of #hashtags so as not to pollute your post visually.


5.Talk to your followers

As the name says, the network is social. So, it would be best if you interact with your audience. Encourage comments, tag friends, sharing posts. All this with exciting and attractive publications. And never fail to respond to comments and messages. After all, this is yet another channel of contact with your audience.


6.Remember the videos

In addition to photos, Instagram makes it possible to share short videos, which can also be broadcast live. This is an interesting resource to show something different - the preparation of a drink, tell a short story - a client's testimonial, or to present something that is happening at that moment - a promotion raffle, for example. But the videos need to follow the same standard of quality and planning as the images.


7.Sponsor the most relevant posts

Instagram allows you to do paid promotion of your posts. For an affordable price, you can reach specific audiences for your business. In the application itself, you will find the "Promote" button to boost your business profile as a whole or each publication individually. Instagram will give you a step-by-step guide to audience filters, location, campaign type, duration, and investment amounts. Then you choose the payment method, and with the credits, Instagram will direct and leverage your publication.



It goes without saying that social networks are already a reality for the vast majority of companies, and for cafes and coffee shops, it is no different.

After all, many people who love coffee and enjoy going to bars and restaurants are keeping an eye on what's new in the online world.

Therefore, if you own a cafe or work in one, it is important to consider digital marketing; otherwise, your business may fall behind in this competitive market.

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